Wow! I am very happy and honoured to let you guys know that thanks to the AIPP and their yearly Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) I have achieved the title of Master Photographer (M.Photog). I made it! Every single APPA point I have accumulated toward my master status has been with a wedding image. It was so important for me to be able to call myself a Master Wedding Photographer. This is an achievement which fills me with much relief and endless gratitude to the many judges who have recognised my work over the years! Thank you.
I’m also very, very happy to announce that I was awarded the Highest Scoring Print in the Wedding Category for 2017! This is my first Gold Distinction and a real treat! I still can’t believe I’m now the proud owner of what I’ve always considered to be the holy grail.
All I wanted was to win 1 point so I could become a Master, but to be awarded the highest scoring wedding print in the country has absolutely floored me!
In addition to this award, as well as becoming a Master I also received two Silver Awards which has added a very sweet icing to what is already a very delicious cake 🙂
Thank You’s
AIPP: I’d like to first thank the AIPP for listening to me when I get passionate. I know I’m a bit full-on sometimes, but please know my motivations are purely out of love for photography and my intense need for things to always move forward and never in reverse. I want the best for my AIPP and ALL it’s members! I stand by everything I’ve said, especially regarding our need to bridge the gaps between ALL levels within the community. Connection and the sharing of information is paramount and essential to the further growth of photographers, the institute and industry in which we participate.
Judges: I must thank Jerry Ghionis and Kylie Lyons for their very kind words about my entry during judging and for championing my print until it reached it’s final score. Thanks to the other judges who also contributed to the final score which helped it get over the line. When some people look at this picture they might not appreciate it straight away (if ever), but I feel it’s really important to let this image live its life enjoying the interpretation of others. I’m really excited that it has spawned some different stories and now means different things to different people. If I shared my own reasons for creating it I would worry that these new and very flattering interpretations might cease to exist. I do thank those who’ve recognised it and helped it realise this very cool award achievement!
My Printer, Mark Lutz from Art House Reproductions : Big thanks must go to you, Mark. You’re my beacon of objectivity and your advice has been so beneficial to me and my work over the years! Thank you for printing so many of my award prints. I’m very happy I could bring home a Gold Distinction which you printed! This is your award as well! My sincerest of thanks you’s to you my friend!
Clients: I would like to thank my clients who trust me with their very special once-in-a-lifetime events. I am always humbled and honoured to be chosen to photograph a wedding! It means so much to me!
Family: Thanks to my beautiful mum and family who have always made me feel like I can do anything! You’re always so supportive and never cease to encourage me and tell me that I’m doing well. I love you and appreciate you to the ends of the earth!
My Supporters: You guys rock! Some of you have been there with me for years! I get so much joy reading all your beautiful messages. Even though so many of you come from different corners of the globe and we’ve never met, I still feel close to you. I wish I had more time to reach out to more of you individually. I’m trying harder every day to respond, but please know that if I can’t I still read everything and I appreciate the time you take to reach out to me. I need you! I am not always strong and there have been many times in the past when I’ve read comments just so I can feel better. You’ve all helped me along the way. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
To my Sarah! From the first day I decided to make a serious business of photography you were there to back me! There has NEVER been a day where you’ve questioned my decision to follow my dreams – even when it’s been a heartbreaking and very difficult journey at times. Every time things have been challenging and I’ve felt like I can’t go on you’ve been there to help me see the bigger picture. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for you. So much of what I have achieved is because of the years and years of your unconditional love and support – and the occasional good kick in the butt! You will have my gratitude forever! Thank you for being so patient (you are so incredibly patient) I LOVE YOU!
Larger Version of the Gold Distinction image here
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