Hit the Ground Running

I’m counting on 2021 being the best year ever for the wedding industry! I’m certain other wedding photographers in Brisbane and beyond are hoping for that as well!

Closer to the beginning of 2020 if you’d asked me to make a prediction on the industry I would’ve told you we were possibly doomed. The more I thought about the possibilities and how the pandemic could affect us, the more I worried. Then when I’d realise the situation might get even worse than anything I could imagine, I’d worry some more.

Being a wedding photographer is all I truly know, and not being able to do my job had an impact on me. After being in a continual state of panic for 3 months, I needed to snap out of it. I needed to focus on what I was grateful for, which became easier when I resigned to the fact that I couldn’t control the situation. I had to go easy on myself. It’s eye-opening how unproductive worry can make a person.

So I got busy coping by getting busy. I wrote an album, I painted more than I’ve ever painted before, I gardened like even my toes were green, I spring cleaned, and I studied new techniques. I’ve been productive!

Now it seems like we might be finally crawling out of this mess and even though I love music, art, study and tidiness, I’m ready to get back to being a full-time wedding photographer. I’m even readier to kick arse doing it!

Yep, we can all probably agree that 2020 gets a zero-star rating. 2021 though will be completely different with 5 stars all ’round and glowing reviews from all. I won’t accept anything less! I’m optimistic, and it would seem I’m not the only one. I’ve seen a massive resurgence in enquiries and couples seem resolute! It’s the reason I’m ready for the most inspired, creative and joyful year I’ve ever had!

It’s time to once again hit the ground running!


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